Are there any exclusions on Spanish home policies?

Yes, Spanish policies are no exception to insurance policies worldwide and there will be specific exclusions in every policy, so check documentation carefully.

All Nash Warren policies have been selected to include details which are specific to Spain, so for example, Spanish policies will include provision for damage caused by electrical surges, something common in […]

By |September 10th, 2014||0 Comments

What are the value limits on individual items?

It’s important to note that there is a distinction between valuables cover if the property insured is a second home.

If the property insured is a first residence, then Nash Warren can automatically cover valuables up to 20% of your contents sum insured in total. If you have valuables with a single article limit worth […]

By |September 10th, 2014||0 Comments

Under my contents policy are my possessions covered if I take them out of the building?

Not unless you have arranged all risks cover. Check your policy or make sure you specify that you wish to include cover for theft, loss or accidental damage outside your home and within the geographic area you have chosen – Europe or Worldwide.

By |September 10th, 2014||0 Comments

If my policy is in English (which all Nash Warren policies are) what happens if my mortgage lender asks for a Spanish language policy?

Don´t worry. Nash Warren can supply Spanish language policies as required, as we deal with not only UK companies, but also Spanish.

By |September 10th, 2014||0 Comments

I’ve only got a small holiday apartment; can I still insure the contents?

Yes, Nash Warren has a specific policy designed to give cover for small holiday apartments, which gives the same cover as for a domestic home.

Be aware that although those who own apartment s in holiday blocks will probably have buildings cover on the structure of their apartment, their contents will not be insured. ( […]

By |September 10th, 2014||0 Comments

What does Contents Insurance actually cover?

Contents insurance is designed to cover anything which is not physically part of the structure of your property, in a nutshell, all the items you would pack and take away should you choose to relocate.

This includes your furniture, soft furnishings, electrical appliances, clothes, valuables, personal possessions, kitchen equipment etc.

It is highly advisable to discuss […]

By |September 10th, 2014||0 Comments

What is actually covered on a standard buildings insurance policy?

A buildings insurance policy is designed to cover the material structure of a property.

In general it covers the structure itself, fixtures and fittings, NOT the contents against the specific eventualities quoted in your policy.

It generally includes fixtures and fittings, namely toilets, baths, fitted kitchens, fitted bedrooms, fitted cupboards and decoration.

Nash Warren policies also typically […]

By |September 10th, 2014||0 Comments