Contents insurance is designed to cover anything which is not physically part of the structure of your property, in a nutshell, all the items you would pack and take away should you choose to relocate.

This includes your furniture, soft furnishings, electrical appliances, clothes, valuables, personal possessions, kitchen equipment etc.

It is highly advisable to discuss specific item cover if you have particularly valuable individual items or jewellery, as various policies will have certain exclusions. It is also particularly important to check conditions for high value, high-tec items in this modern day and age as there are exclusions relating to some mod-cons and communications equipment.

Be careful if you work from home: items such as your PC may not be covered unless they are for personal use, business equipment must be insured under a business policy.


I never know whether to insure my house for the rebuild cost or market price, what should I do?

This query has become particularly relevant since the onset of the Spanish economic crisis as in some cases it is cheaper to buy a property than build one, so it is important to make sure you insure your property for its fuller build cost.

It’s well worth paying an architect to give you a full re-build quotation to make sure you insure your property for sufficient value.

It’s important to make sure contents are insured for their REPLACEMENT COST: skimping on insurance really isn’t worth it should a claim be necessary.